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Family “Friday” (vol. 31): Labor Day? Probably Not.

39 weeks with piper

I know, it’s not Friday. It’s Monday. Labor Day. But on Friday, I probably wasn’t capable of typing as I was quickly headed towards one HECK of a sinus infection that landed me in urgent care Saturday morning. I mustered up the energy to go out to dinner with hubby on Friday night (because 1. my in-laws were in to babysit, 2. Piper is coming any time – take advantage!, 3. suck it up…you’re not that sick, Nicole).

Piper still hasn’t arrived. Due tomorrow – 9/6.

I was REALLY sick. The PA I saw at the urgent care had legitimate sympathy in his eyes and I don’t think it’s because I was his first patient of the day. He went to tap on my cheekbones and I literally jumped in pain. Having never had a sinus infection before…wow. I knew I was congested and snotty and gross all week, and I knew it was in thanks to the ragweed counts (I learned when we lived in Tulsa that ragweed and I are not friends)…but between Thursday and Saturday, my sinus issues turned into a full-blown infection. Hello, amoxicillin. Goodbye, food. I ate next to nothing for 36 hours because my teeth/gums/face/everything hurt so badly – this coming from the woman who was eating a normal diet the same day she had her wisdom teeth out.

The virgin strawberry daiquiri was pretty delicious Friday night, but otherwise – misery. Saturday I was basically worthless. My in-laws and hubby began packing up the entire kitchen in preparation for our kitchen remodel. Demo begins a week from today (oh god, just typing that makes me on edge). I spent the day trying to get my hugely pregnant self comfortable on the balance ball in front of the TV (thank goodness the US Open is on!), reading a bit, and napping.

By yesterday, I was feeling about 30% better by noon and 40-50% better by late afternoon. We even took Lily to the beach and went out for dinner – one where I actually ate (my teeth/gums/face are about 75% well – still not 100%). And with the help of Tylenol PM I have managed to get some really good sleep the past few nights. Good thing, because I have no idea how I would’ve delivered a baby on Saturday had I gone into labor. I can’t recall a time I’ve been THAT sick.

Enough of all of that. Baby update! I actually had a hopeful OB appointment last Wednesday, 8/31. My midwife checked me and reported I was 2-3 cm dilated and 70% effaced. She stripped my membranes (which was no worse than a cervical check) and said that statistically, a baby in the next 24-48 hours was probable. Yeah, nope. Five days later and there’s been no indication of labor starting. When I left shut down my laptop at home on Friday, I figured maternity leave had started. Perhaps not.

Pregnancy-wise, no real changes. I still feel pretty good outside of the expected aches and pains (and heartburn, etc.). My stomach capacity is trending downward and I have absolutely no idea what we’re going to eat for the next 6-7 weeks through our kitchen remodel. Nearly everything is packed away and I have to work on getting Shea’s lunches prepped for the week. I think I’ve come to terms with the fact that there’s going to be take-out, sandwiches, and lots of inconveniences in the next (too) many weeks.

Let the “are you still pregnant?!” comments commence, especially as I plan to head to work in the morning should labor not begin. I have no idea why, but I never figured I’d see my due date – or potentially go past my due date. Silly me!

Be well,


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1 Comment

  1. Carolynne
    September 5, 2016 / 9:44 pm

    I’ve been visiting your blog every day for the past week wondering if baby had come or not. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it’s soon for you! Very exciting but also a little scary with your impending kitchen remodel! Umm, Great timing? Anyway, I just entered my 3rd trimester on Sunday with my second so I am living through you right now! Soaking everything up and wishing it was 12 weeks from now lol. Good luck!!

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